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Would you come and join us ?

Are you a family carer for an adult with a learning disability ?

Please would you consider joining a small group of other such carers whose job it is to collect issues of concern to carers, and to take them to the Learning Disability Partnership Board for Kirklees ?

We meet as a group about every two months for a couple of hours, and we have three representatives from the group who attend the Board with the issues raised. Our aim is, of course, to make sure that what is on offer to the people we care for is as good as it can be, and that any gaps in provision do not go un-noticed.

New volunteers to help in this task are particularly welcome.....and if you have a particular interest in Health matters, there is also a small sub-group of the Board that concentrates on that, and would welcome new members.

If either of these is of interest to you, please contact Mark Feeny on 01924 496095 or by email at [email protected]

Thank you. 

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